
High Performance Rainbow Trout Grower Feed (DCFR-PerforMAX-G)

Rainbow trout is a carnivorous fish that is totally dependent on the external provision of feed under farming conditions. Therefore, feed accounts for 60-90% of the operational costs of trout farms in India. Over the years, the lack of nutritionally complete feeds of global performance standards has been a critical limiting factor for the expansion and intensification of rainbow trout farming in the Indian uplands. The use of nutritionally inadequate feed results in prolonged culture duration, slow fish growth, compromised fish welfare and flesh quality, and unsustainable cost-economics. Presently, most of the commercially available rainbow trout feeds have no specific consideration for the optimum nutritional requirements of rainbow trout for physiological performance and enhanced productivity-profitability. As on 2023, the total volume of rainbow trout grower feed required in India is 3000 tonnes:
Technology details:
Through a series of laboratory experimentations and field evaluation studies, ICAR DCFR has developed and validated a high-performance rainbow trout grower feed formulation which consistently delivers a feed conversion efficiency of 0.9 to 1.1. The ingredient-nutritional composition and physical properties of the feed are designed to enhance palatability, digestibility and nutrient retention, while minimizing feed wastage. The salient features of the feed are the promotion of fast growth (>30% growth as compared to available feeds); optimal feed to weight gain conversion (FCR of 0.9-1.1); shortening of culture duration to achieve portion sized fish (from 12-18 months to 9-12 months); improved flesh quality (in terms of carcass yield and organoleptic properties); increased unit productivity and profit margins (>40%); and lower water foot print. Feeding schedule matched to this trout grower feed have also been developed to suit varying environmental / operational scenarios. Overall, this technology offers the clients with standard and premium rainbow trout grower feed formulations (based on the inclusion level of marine ingredients and special additives); and advisory for feed management in rainbow trout farms.